
Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell

Outliers: The Story of Success can be encapsulated as follows-Outliers are those who have been given opportunities and who have had the strength and presence of mind to seize them. They were born in the right time at the right place."

I cant agree more with the author. Outliers:The Story of Sucess is full of illustrations to support his premise and he indeed succeeded in proving it.
However, I felt Malcolm Gladwell just lengthened the book with paltry narration which could have been easily avoided (especially the part "The ethnic theory of plane crash"). I kept on yawning throughout the chapter.

The Epilogue was touchy and summarized the book in a wonderful and memorable way".

Made a good read and highly recommended.


The Importance of being Earnest by Oscar Wilde

The Importance of being Earnest- The trivial comedy for Serious people

"Comedy of Manners and epitome of Sarcasm". This is how I will describe this lively play of my favourite play writer "Oscar Wilde".
The way he describes the essence of Victorian Era is remarkably humorous but has so much truth hidden in it.

Characters in the play are so real and fathomable that you actually relate each character to the people whom you interact and communicate on day to day basis .

Its hard to choose the favourite character in this masterpiece of Oscar Wilde but if I have to choose my vote goes to Algernon Moncrieff for his candid sarcasm which is beyond comparison and full of humour.

Blink by Malcolm Gladwell

I liked this book for its comprehensible and simple language in explaining the complex and enigmatic world of Human Psychology. The author cleverly explains the pitfalls and benefits of Instinctive and adaptive unconscious.

Malcolm Gladwell explains the complex psycho - analysis through real world experiences and how the initial two seconds are enough to make important an decision.
And he very interestingly explains how excess information which seem to be relevant and in context can actually act as distraction and moves us towards wrong conclusions and false beliefs.

He takes into account both the positive aspect of the adaptive unconscious in decision making and weakness in form of impulse judgement based on stereotypes and prejudices.

However I find some of the examples paradoxical and not that suitable and relevant to justify the authors premise ....

I enjoyed reading it as a naive and amateur psychology enthusiast and looking forward to read "Outliers - The 3rd book in the series."